What is Exosome? How is Exosome Treatment Administered?

Exosomes are microscopic protein vesicles, 30-200 nm in size, derived from mesenchymal stem cells. These structures support intercellular communication and repair by containing growth factors and amino acids. Exosomes obtained from newborn umbilical cord tissue are purified by special processes and strengthen and repair the functions of target cells.

What is exosome therapy and in which cases is it performed?

Exosome therapy is a treatment method using exosomes. In addition to being used in applications such as skin rejuvenation and acne scar treatment for aesthetic purposes, it also offers effective results in atopic eczema, hair loss, wound healing and burn treatments.

How is Exosome Treatment Performed?

In exosome treatment, the exosome suspension stored under sterile conditions is injected into the skin with the help of micro needles under local anesthesia. This process initiates a rapid repair process in damaged cells and patients can return to their daily lives immediately.

How long does exosome treatment last?

The duration of exosome treatment is usually 30 minutes. The treatment is adjusted according to the patient’s needs and the condition of the treated area.

How Many Sessions Is Exosome Stem Cell Therapy Performed?

Exosome treatment is usually a single session application, but some conditions, such as hair loss treatment, may vary between 3-8 sessions. Sessions can be scheduled at 7-14 day intervals.

What are the Benefits of Exosome Therapy?

The benefits of exosome therapy include fast results, minimal invasiveness, and low risk of complications. It also does not require harvesting the patient’s bone marrow or adipose tissue, making the treatment more practical and comfortable.

How is exosome therapy performed?

Exosome therapy is done by injecting or intravenously administering a solution containing exosomes to the patient.

How are exosomes obtained?

Exosomes are usually obtained from human or animal cell cultures and then purified through special processes.

How much does exosome treatment cost?

The cost of exosome therapy varies depending on the type of treatment and the region where it is administered. Since this treatment is an advanced and specialized treatment, the cost can be high.

Does exosome treatment offer long-term results?

The long-term effects of exosome therapy are still under investigation and the long-term results of this treatment may vary depending on the type of disease and individual responses.

What is the follow-up and follow-up after exosome therapy?

After exosome treatment, patients undergo regular medical follow-up and check-ups to assess progress and monitor possible side effects. This usually includes clinical observations, laboratory tests and feedback on how the patient is feeling. These follow-ups are critical to assess the effectiveness and safety of the treatment.

Exosome therapy is performed by injecting or intravenously administering a solution containing exosomes to the patient.

Exosomes are usually obtained from human or animal cell cultures and then purified by special processes.

The cost of exosome therapy varies depending on the type of treatment and the geographic region where it is administered. Since this treatment is often an advanced and specialized treatment, it can be costly.

The long-term effects of exosome therapy are still under investigation, and long-term results of this treatment may vary depending on the type of disease and individual responses.

After exosome therapy, patients undergo regular medical follow-ups and check-ups to evaluate their progress and monitor possible side effects. This often includes clinical observations, laboratory tests, and feedback about how the patient is feeling. These follow-ups are critical to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the treatment.

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